As we enter the last week of February, Children's Dental Health Month has come and gone in a flash!
We get asked frequently, "When should I bring my child in for their first visit?" If they have teeth, the answer is RIGHT NOW! As soon as they have teeth! Times have changed from when you went to the dentist or your parents went to the dentist as a child. We encourage you to bring your child in for a first visit at first tooth or no later than 1 year old. We strongly encourage early intervention, education and prevention - it is the foundation for establishing healthy habits for a lifetime of benefit. We pride ourselves in early education of children and parents.
As a mother of 3 young boys, I get it. Kids aren't always cooperative. Don't be afraid to bring your child in to be examined even if they are not cooperative. Early and frequent exposure to the dental office is the key to gaining trust and establish a relationship between the dentist and young child.
Among other updates for our office, we welcome Janneiry to our team as a dental assistant! We are excited to have her with us and are sure you will be meeting her soon if you haven't seen her already! Also, we are excited to finally have the stone added to our front desk reception area! Check IT out when you Check In or Check Out at our front desk!! Lastly, we have a few promotions for Zoom! whitening over the next 2 months. We currently offer take home gel with custom whitening trays and also In office Whitening with the White Speed light. Please call our office for more information: 610-841-5929